Professional Pet Room & Groom – Cat Boarding

Our Cat Boarding Facility & Services:
We are proud of our Cat Boarding Facility and welcome anyone to take a tour call for a tour appointment.  Friday- Tuesday are are normal work days. Wednesday & Thursday boarding drop off and pickup is by appointment only. Shot records for cats being boarded are required. Your pet’s shots need to be updated at least one week before boarding with us.  Reservations should be made in advance but we can take cats last minute when available. You can arrange for your cat to receive grooming, and or Thera-Clean during its stay.

Our cat boarding facility is kept separate from the dog boarding area.  Cats are known as easy to care for, but we give an extra effort in checking on your pet throughout the day. We tend to pet and play with your friendly cats. If they are shy, this tends to warm them up and make them happy cats for you to take home.  Our cat condos are large and roomy with shelves for your cat to climb or lounge on. We have large litter boxes to accommodate cats large and small. We have four condos designed for individual cats and two large enough for multiple cats (up to 3 or 4 cats) so your family of cats can stay together. This is a must see for the cat owners that want extra luxury.We encourage you to bring creature comforts such as a small bed and toys. Keeping them on their food is very important, so we insist you bring your food and treats.

Our condos are disinfected after every visit and cleaned when ever needed during your cat’s stay. We use “Swheatscoop” cat litter which is a Natural Wheat Litter.








  • Handling fees will apply for difficult cats and will possibly have a Handling fee added.
  • The time of day pets are dropped off will be the check-out time. If they are left past this time, there will be a Day sitting charge added.
  • If your pets stay is only 1 night there will be an extra $5 fee for cleaning.
  • Food must be supplied, including an extra day of food. All containers must have lids to avoid spillage. Food may be portioned into Ziploc bags.
  • Bedding must be easy to launder and fit in a regular size washer. Feather fill is not allowed. Nothing breakable can be left with your pet.
  • There will be a medication administration charge of $3 per administration.

“Click here to download a  copy of”
Professional Pet Room and Groom’s Pet Care Agreement.

Cat grooming and boarding
Cat services Boulder City Nevada